Moonlight Camp


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There is nothing better than gathering around a warm camp fire on a brisk evening. It seems we are all drawn to the light, like moths to a flame. You can be exploring one of the paths and heading back to camp when you feel all warm inside as soon as you see the fire even from a distance. You can almost feel the warmth before you get close. You can smell the aroma of hotdogs roasting over that open flame. Soon we will be roasting marshmallows and making Smores. Then someone from the group gets out a guitar and now the evening is perfect. The warmth of the water and the cool evening air causes a mist to rise off the lake. Now as we enjoy each other’s company, we can imagine all kinds of critters out there in the fog as we enjoy a Moonlit Camp.
~ Abraham Hunter
Exclusive Release with a total of only 25 in the entire edition

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